
An indicative selection of publications

(2017) CAIPE Fellows statement on integrative care, Lindqvist, S., Anderson E., Diack, L. & Reeves, S.

Barr, H & Lennox, A (2009) Valedictory Lecture Royal Society of Medicine ‘ Medicine and the Making of Interprofessional Education- A Celebration’

Barr, H. (2013) Toward a theoretical framework for interprofessional education

Barr, H. (2015) Interprofessional Education-The Genesis of Global Movement

Barr, H. (Ed) (2007) Piloting interprofessional education- Four English case studies. Higher Education Academy- Health Sciences and Practice Occasional Paper 8

Barr, H., Freeth,D., Hammick, M., Koppel, I. & Reeves, S. (2000) Evaluations of interprofessional education

Barr, H., Helme, M. & D’Avray, L. (2011) Developing Interprofessional Education in health and social care courses in the United Kingdom. A Progress Report. Higher Education Academy, Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre Occasional Paper 12.

Bromage, A., Clouder, L. & Thistlethwaite, J. (Eds) (2010) Interprofessional E-Learning and Collaborative Work: Practices and Technologies

CAIPE (1989)  Report of a National Survey on Interprofessional Education in Primary Health Care

CAIPE (1991) Interprofessional Collaboration and Education- an annotated bibliography compiled by Mary Toase.

CAIPE (1994) Perspectives on Shared Learning. [Authored Barr, H & Shaw, I]

CAIPE (1995) Locally Based Shared Learning – Surveys in two English Counties [Authored by- Shaw, I.]

CAIPE (1995) Shared Learning- Selected Examples from the Literature. A Report from the review of Shared Learning. (Authored by- Barr, H. & Shaw, I.)

CAIPE (1996) Interprofessional Education in Health and Social Care in the United Kingdom – Report of a CAIPE Survey (Authored by- Barr, H. &  Waterton, S.)

CAIPE (1996) Sustaining collaboration between general practitioners and social workers.

CAIPE (1997) Towards Audit and Outcome Evaluation of Interprofessional Education for Collaboration in Primary Health Care.

CAIPE (2000) Interprofessional Education 1997-2000- A Review for the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting [Authored by Barr,H.]

CAIPE (2002) Interprofessional Education- Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow (Barr, H.) Higher Education Academy, Learning & Teaching Support Network for Health Sciences & Practice, Occasional Paper 1

CAIPE (2002) Selected Case Studies of Interprofessional Education -Report commissioned by the Department of Health [Authored by Goosey,D.]

CAIPE (2002) Towards A European Approach To An Enhanced Education Of The Health Professions In The 21st Century. Report Of The European Interprofessionals Consultation 1999 – 2001 (Author: Engels, C.)

CAIPE (2003) Author: John Horder. A History of the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education 1987 – 2003.

CAIPE (2008) [Authored: Low, H. & Barr, H.] Practice Learning 
for Interprofessional Collaboration- Perspectives from
 Programmes leading to the Social Work Degree. Report to the Department of Health.

CAIPE (2010) Requirements regarding Interprofessional Education and Practice- A comparative review for health and social care (Authored by- Barr, H. & Norrie, C.).

CAIPE (2011) Principles of Interprofessional Education, (Barr, H. & Low, H.)

CAIPE (2012) IPE in Pre-registration Courses- CAIPE Guide-for-Commissioners & Regulators of Eduction (Barr,H., Low, H. & Howkins, E.)

CAIPE (2013) Introducing Interprofessional Education, (Barr, H. & Low, H.).

CAIPE (2014) Review of Interprofessional Education in the United Kingdom, 1997-2013 [In Brief] (Authored by: Barr, H; Helme, M. & D’Avray, L.).

CAIPE (2015) Interprofessional Education- The Genesis of Global Movement (Barr, H.)

CAIPE (2016) Interprofessional Education Guidelines, (Barr, H., Gray, R., Helme, M,. Low, H. & Reeves, S.).

CAIPE (2017) Interprofessional Education Guidelines, (Barr, H., Ford, J., Gray, R., Helme, M., Hutchings, M., Low, H., Machin, A. & Reeves, S.)

CAIPE (2021) Interprofessional Education Handbook: For Educators and Practitioners incorporating Integrated Care and Values-based Practice, (Ford, J., Gray, R.)

CAIPE Bulletin Nos. 13 (1997) Interprofessional Education: What, How & When?

Cairney, P. (2015) The Politics of Evidence-Based Policy Making

Cardiff University Press Monograph publishes: “Educators of Healthcare Professionals”

Carpenter, J. & Dickinson, H. (2016) Interprofessional Education and Training, 2ndED, Policy Press, Bristol.

Clouder, L., (Editor),‎ Broughan, C.,‎ Jewell, S. & Steventon, G. (2012) Improving Student Engagement and Development through Assessment: Theory and practice in higher education

Clouder, L., Daly, G., Adefila, A., Jackson, A., Furlong, J., & Bluteau, P. (2017) An investigation to understand and evaluate the best ways to educate for and promote integrated working across the health and care sectors. Executive Summary. Coventry University and HEE West Midlands

Clouder, L., Daly, G., Adefila, A., Jackson, A., Furlong, J., & Bluteau, P. (2017) An investigation to understand and evaluate the best ways to educate for and promote integrated working across the health and care sectors. Final Report. Coventry University and HEE West Midlands

Cockerham, W., Dingwall, R. &. Quah, S., R. (2014) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society

Colyer, H., Helme, M. & Jones, I. (2005) The Theory-Practice Relationship in Interprofessional Education, Higher Education Academy,Centre for Health Sciences, Occasional Paper 7

Crisp, N., Smith, G. and Nicholson, K. (2016) [Eds.) Old Problems, New Solutions – Improving Acute Psychiatric Care for Adults in England (The Commission on Acute Adult Psychiatric Care). 

Department of Health (2006) Report of the CIPW Working Groups. (Hughes, L., Marsh, T. & Lamb, B.)

Department of Health (2007) 3rd CIPW Supplement. Walk the Talk-Sustainable Change in post 2000 Interprofessional Learning and Development (Meads, G).

Department of Health (2007) CIPW 1st Supplement. Health and Social Care Policy and the Interprofessional Agenda (Tope, R. & Thomas, E.)

Department of Health (2007) CIPW 2nd Supplement, Interprofessional Education in the United Kingdom- Some Historical Perspectives 1966-1996 (Barr, H.).

Department of Health (2007) Creating an Interprofessional Workforce- An Education and Training Framework for Health and Social Care in England (CIPW).

Department of Health (2007) Executive Summary: The Creating an Interprofessional Workforce- An Education and Training Framework for Health and Social Care.

Department of Health (2008) High Quality Care For All, NHS Next Stage Review Final Report

DoH (2012) Liberating the NHS developing the healthcare workforce

Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Koppel, I., Reeves, S. & Barr, H. al (2002) A Critical review of Evaluations of Interprofessional Education. HEA Health Sciences and Practice, Occasional Paper 2.

Goodman, B. & Clemow, R. (2010) Nursing and Collaborative Practice: A guide to interprofessional learning and working

Hammick, M. & Haig, A. (2007) The Best Evidence Medical Education Collaboration: processes, products and principles.

Hammick, M., Freeth, D., Koppel, I., Reeves, S. & Barr, H. (2007) A best evidence systematic review of interprofessional education: BEME Guide no. 9

Hammick, M., Freeth, D.S., Copperman, J. & Goodsman D. (2009) Being-Interprofessional

Harvan, R. A., Jenson, G. M. & Royeen, C. B. (2008) Leadership in Interprofessional Health Education and Practice

Howkins, E. (2008) Preparing for Interprofessional teaching: Theory and Practice

Laming, Lord. (2003) The Victoria Climbe Inquiry- Report Of An Inquiry

Launer. J (2018) Narrative-Based Practice in Health and Social Care Conversations Inviting Change, 2nd Edition

Littlechild, B. & Smith, R. (2013) Human Services: Learning to Work Together

Pollard, K., Rickaby, C. & Miers, M. (2008) Evaluating student learning in an interprofessional curriculum: the relevance of pre-qualifying interprofessional education for future professional practice, Higher Education Academy- Health Sciences and Practice.

Steinert, Y. (2014) Faculty Development in the Health Professions: A Focus on Research and Practice (Innovation and Change in Professional Education)

Thomas, J., Pollard, K. & Sellman, D. [Eds] 2nd Ed. (2014) Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Care: Professional Perspectives

Watanabe, H. & Koizumi, M. (2010) Advanced Interprofessional Initiatives in Japan- Japan Interprofessional Working & Education Network

Weinstein, J. (1994) Sewing the Seams for a Seamless Service- A Review of Developments in Interprofessional Education and Training.

WHO (2013) Transforming and scaling health professionals’ education and training. World Health Organisation Guidelines.

WHO publishes Global Competency and Outcomes Framework for Universal Health Coverage