The Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education
Collaborative practice through learning together to work together
CAIPE Strategy 2022-2027
Over the next 5 years, CAIPE will pursue its evidence-based support and guidance to our members, higher education institutions, healthcare commissioners and regulators, professional bodies, and national education bodies. We will do this to promote and sustain the growth of interprofessional education and collaborative practice while also working to influence health and social care policy for the improvement of health outcomes for all.
This strategy was developed by the CAIPE Board and Leadership Group after an extensive consultation of CAIPE members and partners to show how we plan to address the needs of our stakeholders.
CAIPE's definition of interprofessional education:
"Occasions when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care." (Barr, 2002)
CAIPE is a community of practice whose members are dedicated to a collaborative future.
Join us
Membership of CAIPE provides access to a range of resources and activities and can be Individual; Student; Corporate or Service User and Carer.

CAIPE supports students, educators, practitioners, researchers and users of services inviting those who opt to be its members to:
- Engage in mutual support;
- Access online interprofessional national and international resources through publications including the Journal of Interprofessional of Care;
- Contribute to CAIPE’s work through its Working Groups;
- Respond with CAIPE to opportunities to influence policy and practice;
- Access funding opportunities.